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Introducing: Dr. Patty Lopez, Senior Platform Applications Engineer, Intel- "Making" with

Dr. Patty Lopez is a Senior Platform Applications Engineer at Intel Corporation, working with customers to deliver Xeon server chip solutions that power high end data centers and mission critical applications. Prior to joining Intel in 2008, she spent 19 years as an Imaging Scientist for Hewlett Packard, creating and transferring technology in imaging into scanner, camera, and all-in-one products. She has released over fifty products and holds seven imaging patents. She earned her BS (with honors), MS, and PhD in Computer Science from New Mexico State University (NMSU).

Dr. Lopez serves on the advisory boards of the Computing Research Association-Women (CRA-W), the Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI), the NMSU Foundation, and the NMSU Computer Science Department. She is an emerita board member for the Anita Borg Institute, is a Distinguished Alumna for the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences. She received the Society of Women Engineer’s 2016 Advocating Women in Engineering Award, and the HENAAC/Great Minds in STEM Community Service Award in 2010. A founding member and co-chair of Latinas in Computing, a MentorNet mentor, and a member of the NCWIT Workforce Alliance, Patty has been active for the past several years on the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference organizing committee, and served as the 2013 GHC General Co-Chair (Industry). Her research interests include CS education, E-textiles, and wearable computing. Her volunteer efforts are focused on building the STEM pipeline for K-16 and beyond, and creating an inclusive organizational culture in the workplace.


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